The safest approach to cleaning ears is to visit a doctor or other healthcare professional, as they can use specialized instruments to remove any excessive earwax or debris safely,
These instruments may include: a suction device, a spoon-like tool, forcepsA doctor can also help determine if other underlying health conditions may require attention.If a person still wishes to clean their ears at home, they can try one of the following methods:Using a damp cloth – A person can wet a cloth or paper towel with lukewarm water. After wringing out the excess, they can use the cloth to clean the outer areas of the ear.It is never a good idea to insert an object into the ear. Mineral oil or traditional ear dropsPeople can buy ear drops to use at home over the counter or online. Alternatively, there are several solutions people can use as ear drops to loosen an earwax buildup and make it easier to remove.Solution include: carbamide peroxide , baby oil, mineral oil ,glycerin ,hydrogen peroxide